
I’m in that mood again,

being forced to come back to real life

after being so devoted into something I really enjoy

Still remember nearly 3 years ago,

when New Orleans held the 2008 all-star game

when I fell in love with the strong-hearted Chris Paul and his Hornets’ team

when I first paid attention to the city of New Orleans

I never knew I would have the chance actually going to the city

I had never even thought of that one day I would come to the city of rebirth for the Hornets’ home games

It was like a dream, I thought

People might say that as long as you have money and time,

you could always go anywhere, do anything you want, like going to a home game of your favorite team

It’s true.

But for me, it’s never that easy

finally having a chance to come to the states wasn’t easy

(I’m already living my dream)

as a fan for more than 5 years, bearing a dream of going to the home court hasn’t been easy as well

It was like a dream, seriously

as a team who didn’t make to the playoffs last season

the Hornets started the season 8-0, stayed undefeated for the first 3 weeks

I witnessed the amazing streak since the Milwaukee Bucks were swept by the bees in the 8-0 streak

I got CP3’s jersey for women  (finally got a women jersey)

I went to the Bucks’ court, watching CP3 battled Bucks in Milwaukee

I love how it feels to win

but I hate how it feels to be a fan of the road team

not being able to scream out your own feelings, cheering for your team

Then we decided to go to New Orleans in the winter

After the streak, the Hornets were a bit ups-and-down

the reason they weren’t playing well was that their owner dropped out and the NBA took over the team

There are not enough fans going to the home games

which I never understood

New Orleans were known for its sport spirit

Perhaps it’s because people go to the Saints’ game (The NFL champs 2010)

and there’s no America top10 business in New Orleans

Not enough money, to put it simply

When we said it’s more than the Hornets’ home which made us visit New Orleans

It was actually MAINLY about the Hornets’ home game

Then I finally have my dream come true

going to New Orleans Hornets’ home court, watching them win games

The game itself was a miracle, as well as a festival

The first game day was so cool (it’s actually cooooooooooooooool!)

There were live music band, dancing performance, basketball challenge

Festival atmosphere outside the Arena

The street between the Arena and Superdome(Saints’ home) was blocked

Inside the arena, there are lots of fans activities

Hornets’ tattoo, kids painting, fans portraits, mascot interaction and dancers photo, autograph

all free for fans

(The bucks don’t have anything like that)

Our seats were right behind the basket and right next to the players entrance

we could clearly see the faces and the action of the players

I really love the Hornets’ home intro of the players

很酷  真的   two trumpets as the gate (symbol of the Jazz music)

開場有很多很多蜜蜂的聲音      所有的螢幕都是藍色的小蜜蜂在飛

最後介紹完CP   還有煙火和藍色的火焰



每一個move全場都會有一樣的動作   同樣的聲音

每一個call   ref不是被罵的臭頭   就是good call good call ref!

球迷都好激動    很多的人喝了酒   裁判亂判的時候   他們就會站起來一直罵一直罵

重點是   能夠現場看Chris Paul在主場的amazing moves and leadership


第一場球my hornets大勝76ers,




我只能說  超酷的

there’s always LIVE music in New Orleans

even by horning!


第二場比賽對Warriors  前三節打得超好的  領先十三分  

結果第四節   又來得分乾旱    被超前到8分

但是Ariza馬上在一分鐘之內連連抄截  連得6分!



可惜就差那兩分   我們的小蜜蜂就沒在得分了


雖然很怒Hornets自己screw up the game




以後我一定要買season tickets    買在籃筐後面


Besides the hornets game

I like the free spirit of the city





他們很主動   很熱情

每一個人走在路上都感覺很relaxed很enjoy life


很有耐心   告訴我們哪裡買票   怎麼轉車   怎麼看地圖


他們都很悠哉的工作    又很享受工作

New Orleans的Jazz真的很酷很amazing!

Preservation Hall 的Jazz 真的很classic   很pure


而是involve everyone的Live music

還有cocktail to go


Daiquiris真的很特別   很異國  很tropical!

走到哪兒   路上都有live jazz, live music band  

都有cocktail to go


這次做了街車   想到了大三念的美國文學A Streetcar named Desire

而New Orleans also tells history

its buildings, its food, and its culture

除了在French Quarter看到的法國義大利建築  很多的art studios and artistic bars

Downtown有許多的大莊園式的建築   和城裡很多很多黑人


很多的museums, WWII museum, civil war, African-American Museum, Old Convent...

It’s lots of history, it’s “live” history



“How y’ll doing today?”

又加上multicultural influences

很多南方黑人   很多法國義大利後裔   很多中東人  也有些日本人

那些口音通通加在一起   真是可以做sociolinguistics的好地方


Ohio State和Arkansas都是紅色球衣


每個bar都幾的滿滿的球迷   街車上擠的都是人

他們遇到支持同隊的球迷就會大聲的唱歌    喊口號  




cafe de Monde的Beignets



路上很多街頭畫家   很多手工製品

French Market裡很多可愛的手工別針耳環

可是可是稅真的好重啊    13%TAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


真是個只適合旅遊   不適合常住的地方


I really like the city logo “Fleur de liz”

It’s everywhere in the city, seriously.

Almost every house has a flag of the Saints or the logo

Everything has the logo and the Hornets’ logo is a bee holding a basketball in the logo


It’s a dream-come-true travel.

I love it and I really appreciate I got this chance to live the dream.

But I hate the feeling being forced to leave.

It’s more than the end of a wonderful trip.

It’s like I finally had a chance to live another dream of mine, than BOOM

It ended suddenly.


Hate the feeling to leave something I really love, enjoy and want to spend my whole life doing.

I know I know, I’m living my dream already.

But it’s just part of my dream.

I have lots of dreams

I’m ganna live each of them step by step.

That’s what I did, what I’m doing and what I’ll continue doing.

Thanks, the beautiful city; thanks, the bees; thanks, Jeffie. I couldn't go to that city without you. Couldn't be a true sport fan without you.


That's my life and I love it.

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