
怎麼會拿Shawn Marion去跟熱火換那隻龐然大物怪物Shaq
Shawn Marion是the Matrix
無所不在  無所不能
他更是這批太陽的元老  從菜鳥球季就一直在Phoenix  8年了
I can't believe the Suns just let go of him in this way
Shawn deserves much more than that
Shawn is the one who deserves a championship ring the most especially in Phoenix
Shawn belongs to Phoenix
現在的太陽裡面沒有一個人比Shawn Marion更應得一個冠軍
我不是只要太陽拿冠軍  我要的其實是Shawn Marion拿冠軍
heart broken

為什麼不換AK47或是季初就換KG或是J O'Neal?
anyone is better than this freak
更何況有必要因為湖人有了Pau Gasol就改變自己的陣容嗎?
Steve Kerr前一陣子不是還跳出來說不會交易先發主力球員的嗎?
如果他把Boris或是Raja Bell交易掉了
喔  天阿

我也不要  不要

誰知道就要這樣跟Shawn Marion道別了
誰知道我永遠沒辦法親眼看到Shawn Marion穿著太陽的球衣跟Boris和Nash表演空中接力
Here are my perfect Phoenix Suns:

Steve Nash
Raja Bell
Shawn Marion
Boris Diaw
Amare Stoudmire

Grant Hill
Leadro Barbosa
D.J Strawberry
Brian Skinner

我會很想念很想念the Matrix的

it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
大吼大叫大哭   Shawn Marion會回來嗎?

Marion says he's ready to move on

Paul Coro
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 7, 2008 08:13 PM

Remember how you felt when you heard that the Suns were planning to trade Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks for Shaquille O'Neal?

Marion was right there with you Tuesday night. He saw a report on ESPN just as his cellphone began ringing like mad.

"I was shocked at first," Marion said Thursday night from Miami, where he is scheduled for a physical Friday morning. "It happens. Everything happens for a reason. We could get deep into it but what's done is done. I wish everybody in Phoenix good luck."

Marion offered no criticism of the Suns for ending an 8 1/2-year marriage. Only Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Dirk Nowitzki and Paul Pierce had longer current tenures with one NBA team. The move came less than three weeks after Suns Managing Partner Robert Sarver pledged to keep his team's core together. General Manager Steve Kerr reiterated the stance just days before Miami unexpectedly approached Sarver with a chance to acquire O'Neal. Suns coaches and players unanimously wanted the deal.

Marion had made a trade request last summer but never spoke again of it after no deal materialized before camp. He had his lowest scoring average (15.8) since his rookie year with the impact of another scoring swingman, Grant Hill, being added but still was the Suns' top rebounder and helped cover the defensive deficiencies in the post and at the point with his versatility. The four-time All-Star forward was left off this year's All-Star squad.

"It hit me out of the blue," Marion said of the trade. "Honestly, it's done. I'm starting new. I have no bad blood. I'm not even really thinking about it. I'm looking forward to it. I'm a Miami Heat player."

Marion extended appreciation for Suns fans and even talked about their new star.

"I love Shaquille as a player," Marion said. "He's always been a dominant player in the league. They've got to make the assessment in deciding that."

Marion is friends with Heat star Dwyane Wade and used to own a South Beach home. He said Miami has shared an interest in long-term plans for him. Marion has a $17.2 million player option for next season.

He has hope that he can help a team with the league's worst record (9-39) still make the playoffs despite being 10 1/2 games out of the eighth spot.

"Definitely, we can help change it around," Marion said. "Anything can happen in the Eastern Conference."

Mavericks coach Avery Johnson told Dallas reporters, "I'm happy to see Shawn Marion go to the East, personally. I don't know how happy I am to see Shaq in the West, but it's give-and-take with a lot of those situations . . . They're not as fast. The floor is not as spread as it was two years ago.


Marion will be 'sorely missed'

Doug Haller
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 6, 2008 10:46 PM

Only the arrival of a presence such as Shaquille O'Neal could make Shawn Marion's departure seem like a secondary transaction.

The Suns lost a four-time All-Star in Wednesday's trade, which also sent reserve guard Marcus Banks to the Miami Heat. In some ways, Marion was the face of the franchise, a forward who averaged 18.4 points and 10 rebounds in eight-plus seasons with the Suns. He had missed just four games in the past three seasons. In 48 games this season, he missed only one.

"He was an incredible player for this organization, (a) tremendous person in the community, and he's done so much here in the Phoenix area," Suns General Manager Steve Kerr said. "He's one of the great players of all time in this franchise, and we will miss him."

This season Marion averaged 15.8 points, the fewest since rookie season. He also averaged 9.9 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 2.02 steals, but his biggest contributions might have come defensively.

"I think with Shawn, (the thing) that will be sorely missed is his versatility defensively," Steve Nash said. "He's fantastic at different players he can cover and the amount of court he covered with his quickness and athleticism."

Forward Grant Hill doesn't expect one person to replace Marion's contributions. It's just not possible, he said.

"That's why he's called the Matrix," Hill said. "He's such a unique player. (The trade) is bittersweet because for me; he was a guy I enjoyed playing with, and a guy who I have enjoyed getting to know. You lose a teammate and friend, but that's kind of the business that we're in."


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