



I agree with them. 

I think I'm pretty cool too. 



I'm doing my PhD in Linguistics. 

I'm living a great life. 

I'm dating the prince charming kind of guy and he's very sweet and just right for me.



But what makes me think I'm cool?

Because I took a summer off. this summer. 

everyone of my friends has been talking about taking off, taking a break, leave. 

but no one can really seem to do it. 

I can't take a year off cus I need the TAship to support my study. 

But I took a summer off. 

Back in Spring, people asked me what I was going to do in summer




Didn't go back home (don't take me wrong, I miss home)

Didn't work

Didn't read any academic shit



I took off.



Read (novels)

Listen (music n all sorts of natural sounds)

Go (to concerts n beautiful beaches)

Eat (healthy with lots of desserts :P)

Cook (everyday)

Watch (Olympics n movies n squirrels/chipmunks playing on the grass)

Sleep (a lot)

Be (a housewife n a sweetie n a lazyass)

Clean (our place everyday)

Talk (to strangers)

Catch up (with old friends)

Meet (new people)

Lie (on the beach n grass n everywhere!)

Get (very tan)

Embrace (sunshine n rain)

Travel (alone n with the one)

See (the sun rising and setting)

Swim (in the pool n the ocean)

Walk (everyday)

Run (in the rain)

Drink (beer)

Miss (my mum)

Take (lots of pictures)

Love (everything/everyone I love)

Do (NOTHING n whatever I want)

Enjoy (living)



 I actually did a lot. 

The only thing I didn't do is getting paid. 

That sucks, but I have decades to come to earn money.




I'm pretty cool, am I not? 

Best summer ever. Recharging. 




I still feels cool back in school, cus even though academia is tiring, I like the things I'm researching. Just hope I'm doing it with the ones I love. 

It reminds me of the saying: "Sometime you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't mean you would love them less. Sometimes it even makes you love them more."

I hope it's true b/c I super so want to scream out right now. 

Wish you, two of you, are here with me.

Mentally I just have you. I just do.  

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