




小的時候  國中的時候  高中的時候

我會很沮喪    為什麼我不是那些人的好朋友



但是  現在  我不會了


有機會  自然就跟他們好好相處


即使很不熟識   在farewell party上面



而是說出來  讓他們知道

因為  我知道  除了我之外


這是今天在Caroline, Jon, Allen的farewell party上  我差點又失態了

當然  我跟Caroline很熟  理所當然我會很想念她

as for Jon and Allen

not familiar at all

but I'm still thankful that I met them

first they came to Taiwan and they came to English Corner,

they always sat at the back, never talked to me, the host.

they kept coming the last semester but still never talked to us.

Even though I knew them at the very beginning,

I didn't know their names and they hadn't smiled to me until this semester.

Sometimes, on Wednesday afternoon, I liked sitting near the 操場,


that's very special, you know, cus very few people play football in Taiwan

so when I saw some guys having the football in the hands, I know it's them.

After the group from Berkeley and Davis came this May again,

I finally joined Friday Night Plus, and then have kept going till now.

I really liked the songs, Jon's funny Chinese and Allen's kool look when playing the drums.

When playing all the games together, singing those Christian songs, and just talking

I realized how much I had missed. And how I hoped I can join them much earlier than I did.

I should have!

Though they came here for their church work,

I know they are here also because of  friendship.

Of course Caroline, I'll write another one about her later.

But, this one is about some friends you're not very familiar with but still appreciate the friendship they bring to you.

I know it's kind of weird, tearing for friends that you didn't really spend time with.

Or for someone you just know for few days, and share few things,

but still, sometimes, somehow, they look and sound familiar, you feel, and that's true.

I'm not only talking about Jon and Allen. I'm talking about all the people I appreciate but never have a chance to really get to know.

But it's okay.

Really okay.

Maybe in the future, we will never see each other again or maybe yes.

Perhaps, we'll forget them, and they will forget who Maria is as well.

Never mind.

Now at least I meet them, and I know I appreciate that.

they are more than strangers.

Thank you, all of you who I care and care about me,  for existing in my life.

Thank you Cece, for the wonderful and thoughtful card. It made me cry again.

when we first met,

we never know we can continue to keep in touch like this, and we can see each other again,

but from then on, you came twice and we really became best friends.

I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future,

cus I wish I could someday become a "Berkeley guy",

if not, I'll still be going to the States for my dream, and I'll definitely go visit you.


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