昨晚就為了天早上終於等到一場太陽的轉播  興奮不已
結果10點一開電視  啥?
時間又搞錯了  已經快要半場休息了
原來是9點開打  可惡阿
去年  不不不  上一季 是前年12月
太陽和籃網打到2OT  太陽才贏下來的

重點是  (u know what I'm going to talk about, hahaha)
給我等好久  才終於等到Boris大扣籃 
很漂亮喔  連那狗嘴吐不出象牙我最討厭的球評都說真的是很出色的腳步

14分  10籃板  6助攻   快要triple-double了
他今天又是player of the game
(雖然Amare和The Matrix打得真的也很棒)
因為一開場  太陽的第一顆進球就是Boris的dunk shot喔   哈哈

下一場Grant Hill就要回來了
so sad
這才是Phoenix Suns basketball阿
Boris要每場都這樣打  拜託
不然在球員交易截止日前  我都會一直擔心害怕的!!!
拜託  我求求你  好好打  不要被交易阿

除此之外  真的  我第一次發自內心的感覺
If the Suns win the championship, they win it.
But if they don't, it doesn't matter at all
once they play every game like this, like today.
That's exactly the way they play and they are.
But I still want them win the championship this year, please


睡完午覺  原本要去游泳  解救我又有一點點發福的身材(真的只有一點點而已)
突然驚覺  開電視
oh oh oh
是Novak Djokovic耶

倒杯茶  好好坐下來看場迷人的比賽吧

Novak對上的是前球王澳洲本土選手Lleyton Hewitt
第一盤Novak被破了一個發球局  狀況沒有調整得很好
小球都沒放好  放得又高又不夠近網
倒是Hewitt打得滿穩的  隨球上網再發動主動攻擊 
我超級緊張的   什麼時候瑪麗沙發不是用躺的  是坐前1/3的 XDDDD
還好還好  第三種子就是第三種子

中間有一球 超級charming的Novak出現一個非受迫性的失誤 
氣的大摔球拍  摔的超級重的
結果  大概球拍摔裂了  他回到場邊換了一支球拍
喔  天阿  他每次只要失一分  都會有很沮喪的表情

最後Novak Djokovic在澳洲主場的壓力下
就以7-5, 6-3, 6-3  直落三盤  挺進8強賽


長的超像的  都很帥
好樣的  這家都出帥哥

雖然很宅  but
一整天都是心花 朵朵開阿

Suns give complete effort in victory

Paul Coro
The Arizona Republic
Jan. 20, 2008 10:39 PM

The Suns' win against the Lakers in Los Angeles on Thursday was the obvious time to have the right energy at both ends of the court and play with motivation born out of an embarrassing Tuesday loss to the Clippers.

The real reward for Suns fans has been to see that defensive energy and offensive rhythm in a win Friday against Minnesota and a 116-92 win Sunday night against New Jersey.

The Suns had every reason to dispose of the Nets like they did. New Jersey has not won in Phoenix for 14 consecutive seasons. The Nets were another weary visitor, coming off a Saturday overtime loss to the Clippers, and completed Phoenix's stretch of games against the league's worst offenses.

But with only Boston now having a better record than Phoenix (29-12) halfway through the Suns' season, they can feel good about the consistency of their play heading into a four-game, six-day road trip starting Tuesday in Milwaukee. They have held four consecutive foes to fewer than 100 points for the first time since last season.

"It's just us as a team understanding we hadn't been getting it done," said Suns guard Raja Bell, who hit five 3-pointers Sunday. "There wasn't any other reason than being consistent. You come to that conclusion and then you have to do something about it. Out in LA, after we lost to the Clippers, we did a little soul-searching as a team and individuals and we've been playing better since then.

"The beauty of that (Lakers) game not only was the win but the way we played. We were all interested to see if we were going to come back and play like that."

And they have - mind you, against lowly Minnesota and a Nets team on a five-game skid. Regardless, Phoenix had 17 offensive rebounds for 16 second-chance points. That happens as often in recent years as quality rookie minutes, which D.J. Strawberry got again Sunday.

The 48-38 rebounding edge was the Suns' best margin in 28 games.

"Most of the time when we outrebound a team, either we're bigger than them or they're not that big," Suns forward Shawn Marion said. "But at the same time, it's activity."

Coach Mike D'Antoni complimented the team's "energy" and "mood," qualifying the board work against the Nets efforts to go with small lineups.

"We're still 30th in the league (in rebounding) so I wouldn't get too excited," D'Antoni said.

Phoenix hopped on the Nets as Boris Diaw eliminated any New Jersey hope, starting Phoenix's scoring with a dunk following an offensive rebound and then assisting twice to Amaré Stoudemire. In Diaw's first 12 minutes he had eight points, five rebounds and four assists to put Phoenix ahead by 17. The Suns only spent 16 seconds of the second half without a double-digit lead.

Another Stoudemire rebound and Steve Nash assist and four Suns would have posted double-doubles in a win that made it 15-2 vs. the East.

"We just didn't show up," Nets forward Richard Jefferson said.



The Suns have hit at least nine 3-pointers in eight consecutive games. They had 12 Sunday, including Raja Bell hitting the eighth for an 18-point first-half lead.


Not much, so let's knock Amaré Stoudemire missing a free throw just so we can mention his Connie Hawkins-like swooping, one-handed dunk on rookie Sean Williams, who fouled him.

Player of the game

Boris Diaw got the Suns off and rolling and finished with 14 points, 10 rebounds and six assists.

View from press row

Sometimes, the Suns don't close the first and third quarters well, particularly with last-second decisions. That wasn't the case Sunday. Leandro Barbosa forced a shot-clock violation when he stripped Nets guard Marcus Williams on a drive. With 2.3 seconds left, Barbosa raced upcourt and drew a foul in two seconds to make it 35-20 on free throws. After a great stretch from D.J. Strawberry (an assist, drawn charge and a block), Barbosa shot early but hit a jumper to send the lead to 89-73 going into the fourth quarter.

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